Services we provide

companies Family

Family Business Lawyers Simply, a business that is run or with the majority of the ownership belonging to two orl

Criminal law

Financial Crime Lawyers in UAE Any non-violent olense that results in a Inancial loss is considered as a |nancial]

Corporate governance

Corporate Governance Law Simply, the corporate governance exists so people in a company will know their duties and|


The Foundation works to provide legal and procedural assistance to protect the rights of clients to preserve theirl

Commercial Law

Commercial Consultancy Services Commercial law or business law is the body of law that regulates the conduct|

Money markets

Capital Market Lawyers in Dubai The capital markets are those markets where securities (equity and debt) arel

Islamic communication

Banking Law & Islamic Banking In every aspect of the world, there is a set of rules that govern areas in order tol

Arbitration and conciliation

Arbitration & Reconciliation Lawyers in Dubai This is one of the four types of alternative dispute resolution.|